about me
name: peggie aw yen peng (hu yan ping)
D.O.B.: 21st august 19** (if u noe me well u should noe i how old too.. =X ) bloodtype: O+ ethnic: half thai half chinese icq: 52385590 irc nick: nuriko current wishlist: 1. manga of cuz ^_^ 2. cute mascots~~ like hp straps~~ anime or manga oso can~ 3. hmm... good paying job?? =P current fav movie: Pirates of the Caribbean, The Boss's Daughter, UnderWorld, Brother Bear My Japanese name is Megumi Aizawa. My japanese name is 長谷川 Hasegawa (long valley river) 弓美 Yumi (beautiful bow, as in bow and arrow). ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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juz met this irc fren online... for a while didn't see him... i've known him like 2yrs+... i copy n paste wat we said... it's really AMAZING....
[CNY`nuri^] hai? [Seishirou] u have blog? [CNY`nuri^] ohisashiburi nee~ [Seishirou] ohisashiburi.. [CNY`nuri^] hai!! [CNY`nuri^] www.nuriko-.blogspot.com [Seishirou] lol.. [Seishirou] okok.. i add u to my link [CNY`nuri^] arigatou~ [CNY`nuri^] new blog for ya or? [Seishirou] wat a min.. [Seishirou] my gem is digital photogaphy [Seishirou] u too?? [CNY`nuri^] hai!! [Seishirou] lol.. [CNY`nuri^] the revealing eye [Seishirou] friday class?? [CNY`nuri^] yeah [CNY`nuri^] u monday ar? [Seishirou] hahaha.. [CNY`nuri^] hahahaha [Seishirou] i also friday [CNY`nuri^] kyaa~~ [CNY`nuri^] huh1!!!! [Seishirou] (H)・H)・ [CNY`nuri^] we same class!!!! [Seishirou] lol.. [CNY`nuri^] wat's ur grp?? [Seishirou] neh... i solo [Seishirou] i am billy.. [CNY`nuri^] billy!!!! [CNY`nuri^] that day!!! [Seishirou] tat guy who escape the tsunami in penang [CNY`nuri^] i juz sat in front of ya!!! [CNY`nuri^] hahaha [CNY`nuri^] yeah [Seishirou] haha.. [CNY`nuri^] andrew was like going on abt that [CNY`nuri^] hahaha [Seishirou] ya.. [CNY`nuri^] my grp we tot u go solo quite lihai leh~~ [CNY`nuri^] so agar know who i am le ma?? [CNY`nuri^] wah!!! [Seishirou] hehe.. learn in OC [Seishirou] ya.. i know who r u le.. * CNY`nuri^ suddenlys thinks the world sooo small~~ [CNY`nuri^] OC means? [Seishirou] oral comm [CNY`nuri^] ohh [CNY`nuri^] but the pics all quite nice.. [CNY`nuri^] oh ya... [CNY`nuri^] have u missed any lessons? [Seishirou] i miss only the first lesson.. lol * CNY`nuri^ missed last week's then this week class got chalet not going too... [CNY`nuri^] ohh [CNY`nuri^] that's y no grp la!! [CNY`nuri^] should have come mine... [Seishirou] ya lor.. [Seishirou] sure... y not? [CNY`nuri^] my grp.. got 5 [Seishirou] aiya.. [CNY`nuri^] then from 2nd lesson onwards [CNY`nuri^] one guy no show all day way [CNY`nuri^] but we still put his name lor [Seishirou] icic.. [CNY`nuri^] sms /calls oso no reply [Seishirou] i dunno leh... now if i go into any group, also too late [CNY`nuri^] then now.. the individual de 9 pics how u progressing? [Seishirou] finish le [CNY`nuri^] .............. [CNY`nuri^] so pro.. [CNY`nuri^] u talk with teacher abt it le ma? [Seishirou] ya.. [CNY`nuri^] then it's okie? [Seishirou] he ask me to search for more photos.. [Seishirou] maybe will produce nicer effects [CNY`nuri^] search? [CNY`nuri^] ohh... [CNY`nuri^] u got digicam lor that means? [Seishirou] yup.. [CNY`nuri^] wah...!! i noe u online how long le? * CNY`nuri^ still cant believe we same class!! hahaha [Seishirou] 2 years plus [Seishirou] hehe!! [CNY`nuri^] wow~~ * CNY`nuri^ overwhelmed~ hahaha... [Seishirou] hehe.. [CNY`nuri^] it's a small world after all`~ [CNY`nuri^] ahh!!! [CNY`nuri^] how come channel no Q sama!! * CNY`nuri^ juz noticed [Seishirou] dun ask me... ask hikaru.. [CNY`nuri^] hmm... so means u almost done le la... [Seishirou] i also long time nv chat with him le [CNY`nuri^] he's not even here~ [Seishirou] yup.. [CNY`nuri^] moi too [CNY`nuri^] two years + [CNY`nuri^] from anime channel one rite? [Seishirou] ya.. [CNY`nuri^] u no go there le ma? [Seishirou] dun wan to join too much channel... lacky [CNY`nuri^] hahaha [Seishirou] haiyo haiyo... i must put a photo of us in my blog [Seishirou] saying, "WHAT A SMALL WORLD" [CNY`nuri^] hahaha!! [CNY`nuri^] we got take pic together meh?? [CNY`nuri^] hahaha [Seishirou] (H)・H)・ [Seishirou] next lesson must take [Seishirou] btw, i give u my blog add * CNY`nuri^ wanna go blog this down later man!! should i cut n paste this whole chunk? [CNY`nuri^] hahaha [CNY`nuri^] okie!! [Seishirou] www.turtlesux.blogspot.com [Seishirou] lol.. [Seishirou] too long le ar.. [CNY`nuri^] haha... parts by parts lor~ woots~~ [Seishirou] hehe.. [CNY`nuri^] haha.. but next lesson this fri i pon-ing... got class chalet la.. lao da tell me to pon [Seishirou] haha.. [Seishirou] so fast got class chalet le.. [Seishirou] should check the blackboard wor... [CNY`nuri^] cuz today first paper [CNY`nuri^] wed last paper then after MSTs they wanna celebrate lor [CNY`nuri^] bb for wat? [CNY`nuri^] oh ya!! got msn? [Seishirou] got.. [Seishirou] thought u added me alreally.. [Seishirou] haha.. [Seishirou] u go see the digital photography section, adrew post somthing there *** Quits: CNY`nuri^ (~nurichan@bb219-74-242-174.singnet.com.sg) (Ping timeout for CNY`nuri^[bb219-74-242-174.singnet.com.sg]) *** u|-Kurimi is now known as u|-KuAWAY *** Joins: CNY`nuri^ (~nurichan@bb219-74-242-174.singnet.com.sg) [CNY`nuri^] grrr.... [CNY`nuri^] i got dc [CNY`nuri^] Seishirou... u got log ur files not? [CNY`nuri^] my irc i reinstall.. so forgot to set to log... [CNY`nuri^] i wanna copy n paste one!!! [Seishirou] oic.. [Seishirou] nope.. [CNY`nuri^] then did u close screen or anything? [Seishirou] nope.. [CNY`nuri^] if its not too much trouble... can copy n paste in notepad then send to moi?? [CNY`nuri^] onegai shimasu~~ [Seishirou] choto.. [CNY`nuri^] hai~~ [CNY`nuri^] nee.. i was asking u have msn? [Seishirou] u added me alreally.. [CNY`nuri^] oh i left some words at ur blog [Seishirou] thanks.. [CNY`nuri^] i did? [Seishirou] my log folder is empty [Seishirou] lol.. [CNY`nuri^] when did i? [CNY`nuri^] wat's ur email? [Seishirou] i am kindaichi_205@hotmail.com [CNY`nuri^] then u neber close screen rite? [Seishirou] i am Yakusoku... [Seishirou] nope.. [CNY`nuri^] ur nick was keita last time? [CNY`nuri^] then from this screen scroll up n copy n paste can? [CNY`nuri^] diao... yakusoku... we met last time at hereen there rite!! [Seishirou] ya.. okie... then after still got la.... it's like met at the street fest last yr... cuz we went to support the jrock ppl.. shinya's band got perform too... oso another irc fren... haha.. then i didn't recognised billy lor!!! but really la... AMAZING!!! ^_^ MiRc RoX~~ ~Praise the Lord~ at 1:09 AM | 0 comments 0 Comments: | |
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